How to Clear Acne

How is it possible that you keep getting acne again and again? Is it because of the junk food you're gorging on? Or it is because you haven't taken proper care of your skin and followed a good cleansing routine? Or is it because you're so stressed out? Acne could result due to any of these reasons. Oily food that causes heat and leads to blocked pores, dirt ridden skin that causes blocked pores, or stress leading to hormonal imbalance. All these reasons will lead to acne and cause a breakout. The point is, how to clear acne once it's there? In the article that follows, we will look at some of the ways on clear acne treatment and understand how to clear acne fast. Continue reading for more details.

How to Clear Acne - Steps

Before getting into the different kinds of acne treatment home remedies that are available, let us first understand how to handle a breakout of acne so that one does not aggravate it further and thereby helps to treat it faster. Here are some ways:
  • Keeping the skin surface oil and dirt free is absolutely necessary. So wash the face with a light, medicated soap 2-3 times a day. This will prevent the dirt and oil from clogging the pores and thus leading to acne.
  • Apply specialized astringent to close the open pores so that there is no dirt making its way into the pores and causing an outbreak.
  • Change your diet to include fruits, vitamins and green vegetables. These are easy on the digestive system and have less oil.
  • Limit the intake of spicy, oily and fried foods.
  • Drink insane amounts of water so that the toxins will be flushed out and help clear the skin faster.
  • Do not squeeze the acne because there's always a risk of the impurities and pus being pushed back into the skin and causing another breakout.
  • Start out on a clearing up acne treatment in consultation with a specialized skin doctor. The doctor will start you out on creams and gels that contain salicylic acid, mandelic acid, benzoyl peroxide and sulfur and sodium sulfacetamide in the form of active ingredients.
How to Clear Acne Naturally

Given below are certain clear acne - home remedies that one can use and make sure that the acne stays far, far away, never to bother you again. These remedies make use of all natural ingredients for clearing acne naturally and therefore they can be used quite easily:

Oatmeal Mask
Cook oatmeal by mixing it with water instead of milk (if you have oily skin) and allow it to cool. Then apply a generous layer on the skin surface and lie back. Allow the mask to set in for 20 minutes or so. When the mask has hardened enough, use warm water and slowly work to get the mask off. Then pat dry. This is not one of the methods of how to clear acne overnight, so have patience and continue to use this method for sometime for the results to show.

Aloe Vera Gel
Aloe vera juice for acne is one of the most effective ways of how to clear acne. It has anti-inflammatory properties that help to lower the inflammation that is caused by the breakout of the acne. It also has healing and antiseptic properties. Simply cut a slice of the leaf and then use the gel to spread over the acne. Keep this overnight and then wash off the next morning. You could also mix the gel with water and consume this liquid. It works to reduce the heat and the inflammation in the body and is therefore one of the most natural acne cures.

Neem Leaves
Margosa leaves, more popularly known as neem, is one of the most potent healers of skin problems like acne. All one has to do is crush these leaves by taking them through a blender, then add turmeric powder to it and apply this over the face. Let it dry and then wash off. It gets rid of the excess oil as well as the accumulated dirt on the face. Another option is to introduce neem leaves in one's bath water. This will help cleanse the whole body and prevent the onset of acne.

Other Methods
The following are a few other methods of doing so, most of the ingredients are ones which you will find in your kitchen itself.
  • Rub raw garlic on the pimples as well as consume some raw pieces.
  • Mix lemon juice with rose water and apply on the acne.
  • Using varied facial masks for acne like sandalwood, fuller's earth, orange peel etc by mixing them with rose water is known to help clear the acne as well.
  • It is also possible to clear acne with baking soda.
  • Apply fresh tomato juice along with the seeds to the acne.
All these techniques work just as well when dealing with how to clear acne scars fast. So if there has been a crop of acne that has left its mark on an otherwise clear skin, all one needs to do is follow some of these best acne treatment forms and get rid of the acne and the acne scars for good.

Now do we know how to clear acne well enough? I know it can get quite tough to deal with, especially the way in which we keep highlighting it in our minds. These methods should come about as a soothing change to quell that feeling and help by getting rid of the acne. All set for a clear face then?
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